Introduction to programming language

Are you the one who wanted to become a software engineer? Then it's the starting point of your journey in learning programming language.
Before that you need to know how a program working in a computer.
1) What is computer
Well We all know that the computer, computer is a electronic device which accepts user input and process it under set of instructions and gives the output and it has the ability to store process and retrieve the data.
Basic components of a computer
1) input unit
2) Central processing unit(Memory unit, control unit, Arithmetic Logic Unit
3) output unit
Computers  only understand the binary language
i.e. 0's and 1's(zeros and ones ex: 1101) which is machine understandable language or low level language.
Human can't understand the low level language, Where we use High level language to communicate with the computer.
Computer can't understand High level language directly, we have  assembly languages which converts High level language into computer executable code which later converts into machine language by interpretation or compiling.
2) what is programming?

Programming language is a set of instructions given to the computer to perform a specific task,
didn't understand?
For example you are writing some instructions(lines of code) to computer in it's understandable languages like(php, python,c,Ruby,java etc) to perform the adding two numbers 
Ex:  a=5
        c = a+b
         print c 
The above code syntax is in python and it will print the output as sum of a nad b i.e. 11

Here a,b and c are called variables.
So what is variable?
Variable is the name of storage where the assigned value is stored.


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